Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The TRUE Meaning of Christmas - Mary - What a Mom!


Last week I passed a sign that said,

"Christ is the reason for the season.
Don't X-Mas Him out!"

We all need to remember, that no matter what is going on in our lives, no matter how much we have, or don't have, and despite our circumstances, God gave us the greatest gift of all in His Son Jesus Christ.

Each year we decorate the house, including a beautiful conifer tree.
We buy gifts for our loved ones, and give to those less fortunate.
We bake, cook, and spend lots of time with family.

These are all amazing blessings!

I do have to wonder though, if we did not have all of these amazing blessings, if I would feel the same about Christmas.

I certainly hope I would!!

I think of Mary and Joseph. Ousted from their homeland - by an angel with a message.
Mary, 8+ months pregnant, riding on a DONKEY across the desert.
The night she was going into labor, Joseph checked her in...not to a comfortable, sterile hospital room, but into a STABLE with the animals!

I cannot imagine her love for God, that she would not question if this was really how she was to serve Him. I often struggle with His direction...especially when it pushes me in the opposite direction of my own plans.

Can you envision what this world would be like if Mary had said, "No. I don't think I want to have a baby, without a husband, and in a stable. Thanks anyway. I would really like to fall in love, get pregnant the old-fashioned way, and make babies with my own HUMAN husband. I would really like to have my baby in a tent, like everyone else, with a midwife and other women from the community to support me. I just want a "normal" baby, birth, and life."

When my first baby was born, she turned breach, on the evening of her due date!
The doctors attempted a version, but she would not turn. So, despite my own best-laid, and prayed-over, plans, I was stuck having a c-section.

I prayed, and cried, and prayed, and cried even more! This was NOT the way I wanted to have my first experience as a mother! WAAHHHHH!! Then I remembered Mary!

Dear Lord,
Somehow our society has made it not only acceptable, but expected, to be selfish and "know what we want" and to strive to achieve our own goals.
Help us to be more like Mary, and to follow your requests, unselfishly.

Luke 2:5-7
"He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Most Popular Bible Verse - a Gift for us All!

Based on the comments from my Holiday Hop, the most popular "favorite" Bible Verse is John 3:16!

"For God so loved the world, he gave His only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life."

That is the first Bible verse that I remember memorizing!

What on Earth does it mean, though?

It means that God loves us so very much, that He gave us the GREATEST gift of all!
He made a HUMAN version of Himself, in His own image, but in our likeness, who suffered and was put to death in order to save us!!

How do we rate? How can He possibly love us that much?

I imagine my own children - and watching them suffer through illness or injury.
It's excruciatingly painful as a parent to watch your child suffer helplessly!
You want to take away any pain or discomfort!
So often, we cannot help our kids though!

Imagine God's feelings for us and for Jesus - when He was being persecuted and suffering.

God wanted to protect and save us (from ourselves and our own sin, mind you), that he sent His son - and stood by, watching, as He endured the most painful of deaths - all for US - His beloved children!

I am so very thankful that God has the LOVE for us, and the enduring patience to watch His only son suffer, and to watch us struggle and suffer in our lives, so that we may live eternally with Him in heaven.

Thank you Lord, for sending your Son, to suffer and die for my sins. None of your children, save Jesus, are perfect. We sin - but not because we don't honor You - only because it is our nature, which comes with the free will You have gifted to us.

We look forward to the eternal life, Lord, where we will spend every moment basking in Your glory, with Your son. May we live every day in memory and honor of the ultimate sacrifice You made in Your son, Jesus, so that we may see you and be with You forever!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WINNERS: Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop!

I have been truly blessed by the responses to my Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop!

I have prayed more than 230 prayers, and feel so very blessed by the opportunity to pray for all those who responded to my blog!

I also have new followers, who I can continue to bless through prayer!

And the exciting part....we have WINNERS!!!

The following posts were chosen by
as winners of the prizes:


Emails have been sent to each of the winners - and as soon as they respond, I will send them out their prizes!

This has been an adventure, and I look forward to hosting another giveaway/hop!

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.
—Proverbs 11:25