I have been praying for my children lately!
As I fold their laundry, I pray for their continued growth and health.
As I cook their clothes and pack lunches for my husband I pray that not only will the food provide them with substance, but also that the Lord will fill their hearts with His substance!
As I watch them play, I pray that the Lord's goodness will shine through them in everything they do.
As today's Bible verse points out, "Scripture is God-breathed..." - and therefore when we pray the scriptures, it is like we are breathing with God! What power and strength that lends to my prayers!
I encourage you to read your bible - or search online for bible verses - about whatever you are praying. Read the bible verses, and then turn them into prayer.
That's what I try to do in this blog.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for Your Living Word in my Bible. I appreciate that I can go to You at any time, for any reason, and the answers are in the palm of my hand.
I look forward to seeing what You have written, and breathed, for me!
Please help me to use Your scriptures to teach my children in Your way, to be Your children first, and mine second.
Help me to see that rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness can be mine, if only I read and follow Your Word! May I be Your servant in everything I do, so that I can be "thoroughly equipped for every good work" You have in store for me!
2 Timothy 3:16-17
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
The Word of God should be living and active in our lives. This is a great way to make His Word relevant to us by praying the Scriptures over our children. Great encouragement, Kristen!