Up for grabs is a $10 Gift Card to Bath & Body Works + a $10 off your purchase of $30 coupon!
We also have a few extra coupons for Bath & Body Works that we want to give away!
Become our "Fan" on Facebook by clicking "Like" in the box on the right!
That's all you have to do!
When we get 50 likes, we will use Random.org to choose 1 Fan for the Prize Pack ($10 gift card + coupon) AND 2 more fans to receive a coupon
good for $10 off a purchase of $30 or more to Bath & Body Works!
Just in time for Christmas gift giving!
Become our "Fan" on Facebook by clicking "Like" in the box on the right!
That's all you have to do!
When we get 50 likes, we will use Random.org to choose 1 Fan for the Prize Pack ($10 gift card + coupon) AND 2 more fans to receive a coupon
good for $10 off a purchase of $30 or more to Bath & Body Works!
Just in time for Christmas gift giving!