Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Baby Starts Preschool!!

My baby started preschool!!

I cried when I dropped my oldest child off at preschool.
I cried AFTER I dropped my second child off at preschool.
I CELEBRATED when I dropped my baby off at preschool!

The differences in my emotions have a little to do with the personalities of my children, and the fact that I am comfortable with my children being at school, away from me, and learning wonderful things that they can only learn from other people!

I love my children, and miss them all terribly while they are at school.
However, I have a newly found sense of self, now that I can do what I want to do for a few hours every day. I don't have to worry about anyone, other than myself! What a new feeling! At least it feels new.

It has been over 8 years since I have been able to focus on my own wishes and desires. My daughter just started her Third Grade year, and I am excited, yet sad, that she is so big!
I have a son in full-day Kindergarten! My baby boy is in preschool three mornings a week.

Three mornings, all to myself!

What to do???

Well, I am going to pray, blog, and attempt to discover what God's plan is for me in this next phase of life.

I am also going to take a few naps, because after school I am running my children from school to dance lessons, soccer practice, and feeding them. We almost have enough time for baths before bedtime!

My mornings will have to be my quiet time.

Wow - it's been a LONG time since I've had quiet time!!



"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!" Psalm 37:7

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