Friday, September 7, 2012

First Week of School, New Routines

So, we are at the end of our first week of the new school year.
I am enjoying the stages each of my children are entering this year.

My princess is in the Third Grade.

She has a male teacher this year, which is a first for our family.
I was worried at first, that a young, male teacher may not be well equipped to handle the drama of little girls who are eight or nine years old. Well, my daughter won't be the only one having these emotional roller coaster days. This teacher will learn quickly!

I prayed, and prayed, and prayed for all three of my children, as they start school this year.
I especially prayed that they each be placed in a class where the Light of Jesus can shine bright through them, onto the teachers, students, and everyone they meet.

My prayer also included that they be challenged and learn life lessons at school that will help them become more like Jesus.

The teacher in each classroom helps to form a part of each student!
It is very important that parents remember that teachers are people too, with their own lives, beliefs, and standards. Students should be taught to respect everyone, but especially their teachers, as they are important role models. Children spend more hours in a day with their teacher, than with their parents during the school year!

Dear Lord,
Today I lift up all teachers, as they help to mold our young children into what you have designed them to be. May teachers and parents work together to bring Glory to You, Lord, through our children. May Your light pour out through our children, as well as their teachers, Lord, as they teach each other important life lessons in school.
May all teachers see our children as important, wonderful, and beautiful miracles, and treat them accordingly. Please help all parents to trust their childrens' teachers to be appropriate role models, and guide those teachers to lead our students down Your Paths of Righteousness.

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