Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prayer over Teachers and Leaders in Schools

"Let the elders who rule be well considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching." 1 Timothy 5:17

Dear Lord,
As the school year begins, my heart is full of anxiety over those who will influence my children every day of the school year. There are wonderful teachers, who will spend more time with my daughter than I do every school day. I have been the teacher you sent to guide her for so long, and now she has other adults in her life.

I pray that these teachers and other school workers will be vessels of Your good plan. I know that You have put them in my child's life for a reason, Lord. Please help me to accept that they are good influences on my child.

Please let Your light shine through my children. Let all of the students and teachers see YOU in her, more than they see her. Help my children to bless their teachers, as the teachers bless them in all they do.

Please help me, as well, Lord, to be a blessing in my child's school. These teachers spend so much time and energy making my child's life so enriched, that I hope to be able to reciprocate to the teachers in some way.

Thank you, Lord, for teachers, and for the strength to accept the new influences in my child's life. You will be there to carry her, as well as me, through the school year.

In Jesus' Name,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kristen, This blog post really touched me. I have been a high school teacher in a public school for many years. Christian teachers and students are blessed by your prayers.
